Friday, July 2, 2010

Chocolate mint and God

"I am not where I need to be, but THANK GOD I'm not where I was" - Meyers

Ain't that the truth of it?! I am not 100% better. Not by a long shot.The last 3 years has been a of the fiercest I have known. I am still recovering. I am still bleeding. I am still licking my wounds and waiting for all the pain to subside. But you know what? Healing is happening.  I know it is, because ever so slowly (slowly being the operative word), I am noticing that the color is coming back to my life. The joy is gradually creeping in for split moments and I realize that I really am living...not just existing.

Today I want to encourage you. Yeah, YOU. Life is hard. It hurts. The pain sometimes FAR outweighs the joy. I know this. First hand. But I want to share a few verses with you that I claimed with every fiber of my being in my darkest moments, even when I wasn't even sure if God really did exist, I clung to these two verses, because otherwise, there was no hope. There was no purpose to my pain. And if there is one thing I believe is true, it is that there is a purpose for all of this.

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness. I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt, o Virgin Israel. Again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful
                         Jeremiah 31:3b-4

But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord,
because you are called an outcast. Zion for whom no one cares. 
                        Jeremiah 30:17

One thing I want to stress is that being rebuilt takes time. Healing takes time. Restoration takes time. It will happen. You will get better. WE will get better. There is hope. :)

Now for the inspirational picture....I planted these today...and I love them!
That large leafy plant in the back? Yeah, chocolate mint. No lie. A plant made to taste like heaven, who knew!

1 comment:

  1. Great verses!!! And so true! I too am living out this healing that takes time ... so much time! One of my fav verses:
    2 Tim 1:7 - God has not given us a spirit of fear but (a spirit of) power, love, and sound mind!
    I clung to it as my life depended on it!!!
    Leslie @
